Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry:
Course Content
Classification of organic compounds Isomerism
Learning Outcomes:
Define organic chemistry and organic compounds, Classify organic compounds on structural basis, Explain that organic compounds are also synthesized in the laboratory, Define functional group, Explain isomerism and its types.
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
Open chain and closed chain hydrocarbons, Nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, Benzene: Properties, structure, modern representation, reactions, resonance method, electrophilic substitution, The molecular orbital treatment of benzene,
Learning Outcomes:
Classify hydrocarbons as aliphatic and aromatic, Describe nomenclature of alkanes, Define free radical initiation, propagation and termination, Describe the mechanism of free radical substitution in alkanes exemplified by methane and ethane, Explain the IUPAC nomenclature of alkenes, Explain the shape of ethene molecule in terms of sigma and pi C-C bonds, Describe the structure and reactivity of alkenes as exemplified by ethene, Define and explain with suitable examples the terms isomerism and structural isomerism, Explain dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of RX for the preparation of ethene, Describe the chemistry of alkenes by the following reactions of ethene: Hydrogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydration, halogenation, halohydration, polymerization. Explain the shape of the benzene molecule (molecular orbital treatment), Define resonance, resonance energy and relative stability, Compare the reactivity of benzene with alkanes and alkenes, Describe addition reactions of benzene and methylbenzene, Describe the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene, Discuss chemistry of benzene and methyl benzene by nitration sulphonation, halogenation, Friedal Craft’s alkylation and acylation, Apply the knowledge of positions of substituents in the electrophilic substitution of benzene, Use the IUPAC naming system for alkynes, Compare the reactivity of alkynes with alkanes, alkenes and arenes, Describe the preparation of alkynes using elimination reactions, Describe acidity of alkynes, Discuss chemistry of alkynes by hydrogenation, hydrohalogenation, and hydration, Describe and differentiate between substitution and addition reactions.
Alkyl Halides
Classification of alkyl halides
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 reaction
Learning Outcomes:
Name alkyl halides using IUPAC system, Discuss the structure and reactivity of RX, Describe the mechanism and types of nucleophilic substitution reactions, Describe the mechanism and types of elimination reactions.
Alcohols and Phenols
Classification: Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
Physical properties
Learning Outcomes:
Explain nomenclature and structure of alcohols, Explain the reactivity of alcohols, Describe the chemistry of alcohols by preparation of ethers and esters, Explain the nomenclature and structure of phenols, Discuss the reactivity of phenol and their chemistry by electrophilic aromatic substitution, Differentiate between an alcohol and phenol.