Fee Structure

STEP PREP Session 2024-25
Virtual Session
Actual Fee 2025
SSAT Qualified (15%) Non PGC
Old Punjabian / Old STEP Student Kinship / 80% Marks in SSAT-2025 (25%) Non PGC
ICS - Physics
FS.c (Part-I) Marks 2024 (485 - 555)
Inter (Part-I) Marks 2024 (485 - 570)
Inter (Part-I) Marks 2024 (460 - 560)
MDCAT 49500 42075 37125 24750 24750
L. MDCAT 66950 56908 50213 33475 33475
L. MDCAT (with NUMS) 69850 59373 52388 34925 34925
Repeater MDCAT 49500 42075 37125 24750
Repeater L.MDCAT 66950 56908 50213 33475
Repeater L. MDCAT (with NUMS) 69850 59373 52388 34925
SUPER BATCH Repeater ( MDCAT ) 75900 64515 56925 37950
SUPER BATCH Repeater ( MDCAT with STN ) 82500 70125 61875
STEP TOP- NOTCH 25300 21505 18975
MDCAT (Comprehensive Crash Program) 49500 42075 37125 24750
MDCAT (Crash Program) 28500 24225 21375 14250 14250
MDCAT SUPER FINAL PAPERS 14250 12113 10688 7125 7125
ECAT / ETEA ENGG. 40750 34638 30563 20375 20375 20375
(FUNGAT / FUNG-ETEA) with NTS (Phase 1+2) 51000 43350 38250 25500 25500 25500
(L.FUNGAT / L.FUNG-ETEA) with NTS (Phase 1+2+3) 61100 51935 45825 30550 30550 30550
ECAT+NTS / ETEA ENGG.+NTS 48000 40800 36000 24000 24000 24000
FUNGAT (Crash Program) 19000 16150 14250 9500 9500 9500
NTS 29100 24735 21825 14550 14550 14550
Note: No Marks Based Scholarship is Available For Repeater Students. (Fee is non-refundable)

Evening Coaching

S# Session Fee
1 9th Rs. 9,000
2 10th Rs. 9,500
3 1st year Rs. 10,000
4 2nd year Rs. 10,500