A MDCAT exam oriented session. STEP PREP, being the largest entry test preparatory network in Pakistan, has always been proactive regarding entrance test preparation needs of the students.
Keeping a bird’s eye view of the rapidly occurring entry test policy changes, especially MDCAT, STEP PREP strongly feels the need to launch an exclusive session to fulfill every requirement of all pre-medical students.
step prep top-notch session
This session caters to all the students who want to pursue their educational career in MBBS, BDS, DPT or all the Allied Health Sciences (4-5 years) programmes. This session offers the best real-time assessment of preparation through our centralized MDCAT exam oriented session.
Exclusively for the students who are:
Self-studying (home-based preparation)
Students who have studied at home but in STEP PREP TOP-NOTCH Session they can evaluate their preparation in a competitive environment.
Students who are unable to match the pace of their current preparation system.
Students who are confused regarding their preparation and need a holistic evaluation programme along with concrete learning
AIMing high targets
Students who have high goals and want to get the best results in MDCAT.
- Convenient Time Table (Morning & Evening slots available)
- Maximum Real-time Practice
- Continuous Evaluation
- Stress Management
- Multiple Opportunities (MBBS | BDS | DPT | Allied Health Sciences)
- Invigilation as per the standards of MDCAT Exam
- Test checking as per MDCAT standards
- Centralized system in the entire Punjab & KPK (Students can join STEP PREP TOP-NOTCH Session in any nearby PGC campus & Hadaf College)
- Access to STEP PREP Portal
- Microsoft Teams (For queries from teachers and counseling by Student Advisory & Counseling Department)
- Affordable fee
scheme of assessment (soa):
36 days date sheet of STN Session (Sundays are also working days)
pmdc standard assessment phases
18 Unit Wise Simulations (2hr 20min for 140 MCQs)
08 Quarter Syllabus – Based Challengers (02hr 20min for 140 MCQs)
04 Half Syllabus – Based Challengers (3hr 30min for 200 MCQs)
06 Complete Syllabus Mocks:04 MDCAT (3hr 30min for 200 MCQs) 02NUMS= 3hr for 250 MCQs
- MDCAT current year enrolled students of STEP PREP = PKR 11,500/- only
If a student skips 2 tests in a week or faced consecutive 3 lates will bear the following circumstances:
Note: Centers for the STEP PREP TOP-NOTCH SESSION are all the Punjab College & Hadaf College campuses.