STEP PREP Early Regular Session 2025
For rewarding MDCAT preparation, STEP PREP by PGC is a well-known institution. We have a proven record of positions in MDCAT, LMDCAT, and other national entry exams. Hence, if you are a student of A-levels or equivalent. You can join us in the STEP PREP early regular session 2025.
Prepare Medical Entry Test Courses in 2025
In this early regular session’25, STEP PREP by PGC is offering the following courses for preparation purposes.
Courses offered
MDCAT is an entry test for the medical and dental professions. It is an objective type of exam, that comprises Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs). You can get more informed about the same from the Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC). However, regular proceedings are updated on our website following the official announcements.
LMDCAT is an abbreviation of Long MDCAT. It is a preparation session that initiates soon after the examination of the second year is completed. This is the best way to employ the time resource in the best way possible.
LMDCAT (with nums)
The third option offered for entry test preparation purposes at the early regular session 2025 is the LMDCAT with NUMS. In this course, students can get exam-ready for PMC, and NUMS entrance tests through a solid and details road map. More details on LMDCAT with NUMS course are included.
- This phase will start before the F.Sc (Part 2) exams as early regular sessions.
- On-campus/Virtual lectures: 6 lectures of each subject (90 minutes)
- 12 tests (with provided bubble sheets) and recorded video discussions.
- Test related queries (Question/Answer sessions) will be held on MS teams for 12 tests of each subject.
Phase-2 will be the continuation of Sunday Session which includes remaining preparation of STEP PREP SOS (Scheme of Studies).
- This phase will start right after (Part 2) exams
- 12 lectures and 24 tests of each subject + 5 FLP’s
- Tests and video discussions
- 18 Tests of each subject + 8 FLP'S with test discussions live & and recorded video discussions
- 4 NUMS FLP'S with test discussions live & and recorded video discussions
Salient Features
STEP Prep will give you access to the following range of learning tools:
- Video Lectures.
- Tests as per your Scheme of Studies.
- Recorded test discussions.
- Worksheets for Practice.
- MCQs with Explanations.
- Career Counselling.
- Live Question & Answer Session with Entry Test Specialists on Microsoft Teams.
- Mobile App (Available on iOS & Play Store).
Note : Once paid, Fee is non-refundable
Now, if you are in search of the fee details for the STEP PREP Early Regular Session’25, you can see the details here, also we offer scholarships. However, please keep in mind that the fee once submitted is non-refundable.
STEP PREP offers merit-based and need-based scholarship to its students.
Dear Students, Following are the details of your online classes and user guidelines.
STEP # 1 – Apply online from STEP PREP website:
STEP # 2 – Challan form generations /Reference number
A challan form will be generated online after which you will receive a reference number on your mobile number + E-mail. Download your Challan Form
STEP # 3 – Payments:
For online payments:
visit: or
For physical session payments:
you can pay by visiting Punjab College campus.
STEP # 4 – verifications
Once you have paid your fee, send your payment verifications as follows;
For Virtual Session`s fee verifications:
send the paid challan form to WhatsApp number.
Note: In case of online payment send the screenshot of the message you received from bank after payment. For Physical session`s fee verifications:
contact campus for payment verifications.
STEP # 4 – Credentials
After payment verifications you will receive your username and password for online portal
STEP # 5 – Online portal
Use the username and password to access all comprehensive learning tools offered by STEP PREP.
STEP PREP Helpline : 0800-78608 (9am – 5pm on working days)