Article: STEP is The Best Entry Test Preparation Program
Punjab Group of Colleges has been providing best educational facilities in Pakistan for the last 32 years, and now for the last few years, it has also started offering entry test preparatory classes to the students to bridge the gap between colleges and professional institutions.
The colleges have a tradition of producing excellent results every year in boards results, and now by offering best entry test institution in the country, PGC has also made a mark in entry test results. Students of PGC’s entry test preparation classes have been outshining in MCAT and ECAT results every year since the very inception of this program. The testimony of academic excellence of PGC’s entry test program is the performance of its students as it demonstrates the effectiveness of teaching strategies and the efforts put in by teachers.
Umar Maqbool who took entrance exam preparatory classes at Punjab College Faisalabad under the supervision of STEP (Strategic & Tactical Entry Test Preparatory Program), secured top position in MCAT exam 2016 by securing 1082/1100 marks. Rabia Irfan stood second by securing 1076/1100 marks, and Aleeza Ashraf was on third by 1070/1100 marks in MCAT Exam, 2016. While Ahsan Abdullah who took entry test preparatory classes at Punjab College Lahore clinched the 1st position in ECAT exam 2016, by securing 338/400 marks. Thus, Punjab Group of College has launched its entry test program by the name of STEP, Strategic & Tactical Entry Test Preparation, to facilitate the students and provide them comprehensive sessions that help them focus on their concept building.
STEP, the Strategic & Tactical Entry Test Preparation Program
STEP has spread awareness among the masses on how these entry tests have become a need and are to be taken very seriously. This Project of Punjab Group of Colleges is not only working to prepare students for their entrance exams but also informing the massive through print and digital media regarding the importance of proper entry test preparation sessions. STEP has brought the entire subject of entry tests into a whole light. The emphasis given by STEP that students need practical and analytical skills and the ability to strategically and tactically transform Intermediate Knowledge into the entry test knowledge is a very new aspect brought to attention. Thus, STEP is the need of the hour and the best option available for Pakistani students.
Following are the features that make STEP the best entry test preparation program in Pakistan:
- Effective Teaching Methodology
- One on One Student-Teacher Interaction
- Academic and Career Counseling
- Scholarships and Discounts
- Performance Reviews
Effective Teaching Methodology
The entry test preparation program at STEP is designed and conducted by the best entry test experts from all over Pakistan. The teachers, supervisors, planners and the entire management combined makes a dynamic team of highly qualified eminent entry test experts. The entry test preparation is carried out at STEP through the comprehensive methodology:
- A course pack comprising a thoroughly designed question bank of 30,000+ MCQS is provided to the students.
- Evaluation tests are conducted at regular intervals
- Test papers are interlinked with the bank questions provided and the class-time interactions
- In-depth test based discussions
- Intensive Test Sessions (250+ tests)
- Entire Course Revision
- Time Management Practice
- Boosting Performance
- Generating Maximum Results
One on One Student-Teacher Interaction:
At STEP each student gets Focused training through individual guidance by the teachers taking into account his or her specific needs. In contrast with other institutions, STEP only enrolls the desired amount of students in one class room to make the classrooms better interactive and allow one to one teacher-student interactions. However, the common culture of entry test preparatory institutes and academies is to fill in the classrooms with a lot of students to make maximum income. These classrooms are so full of students that is becomes hard for teachers to take the needs of every student into account and therefore, individual attention is not given to the students. The students are unable to develop any understanding in such an environment, and they do not grasp any good knowledge. STEP understands the error of this practice and caters only a limited number of students in one classroom. To perform well in any entry test, it is important for the students to clear their concepts and the student-centered classrooms at STEP are focused on this aspect.
Academic and Career Counseling:
STEP is that one program which is all inclusive of things that students need while they are in pursuit of a career and need academic counseling. At STEP there is an entire team working as Student Advisory and Counseling Department that offers guidance to the students to enable them to make informed choices regarding their future. This department focuses on the needs of students and their individual inclinations to provide proper counseling so they can make intelligent academic choices. Help is available for students to explore all career options available and make decisions that students find difficult due to lack of enough knowledge.
The Student Advisory and Counseling Department (SACD) at STEP facilitates students through,
- Career-Enhancing Workshops
- Regular Counseling and Advisory Sessions
- Notable Speakers and Career Coaches
- Well Researched Information by Trained Officers
- Motivation and Guidance to Choose the Right Direction
The information officers are stationed at PGC Campuses who are thoroughly trained to provide individual assistance to students and counsel them properly. STEP also ensures counseling and assistance through other effective and easily reachable means that is Social Media and Instant Live Chat Service on the Web ( Other than this STEP sends regular SMS updates to its students regarding admission dates and deadlines of different universities, examination date sheets, and entry test schedules.
Scholarships and Discounts
The scholarships at STEP offer financial relaxation to students in Merit-Based and Need-Based categories through which they can avail discounts or even study for free incase of selection. STEP just as Punjab Group of Colleges is the program of masses. It keeps in consideration the financial constraints a student may face to promote quality education and making it easily accessible. STEP also offers incentives to its achievers just like PGC does and gives a discount to underprivileged students to help them achieve their goals without any hindrance.
Performance Reviews
STEP just as its parent network, Punjab Colleges, maintains a thoroughly regulated system of performance reviews through effective management systems that keep the parents of its students in liaison with its teachers. The program allows a follow-up for parents regarding the student’s participation in classroom and test activities through a systemized setting. At STEP students are properly monitored, and their performance records are regularly maintained to update them and their parents for their information and awareness about the progress of the student.